Having low sales? The culprit might be social media – find out how low social media engagement could be ruining your business

Having low sales? The culprit might be social media – find out how low social media engagement could be ruining your business

You have probably heard of the numerous ‘amazingness’ of social media and the endless list of opportunities available to leverage opportunities for your brand growth. Yes that is true.


You’ve been on social media, you have a social media page yet, it almost feels like a chore to be there plus.
All you do is answer numerous DMs without making tangible sales. Even when you do, it’s after a long period of hassling back and forth.

This is not a good way to run your business, or any business for that matter.

Social media can only be a good tool for your business if you are using it the right way, else it will only contribute to running your business down. 

How do you represent your brand on social media? 
  • Do you have high quality images for your products?
  • Are you consistent with posting good content?
  • Is your content interesting and engaging? If you were a random Instagram or Facebook user and you happened to scroll past your handles, would you stop to look again?
  • Do you have good customer service? 
  • Do you know how to properly use social media? What times to post or not to post? How to use hashtags? Location tags?
If you answer no to more than 2 of these questions, then social media may just be the downfall of your brand. 

Especially if you have based your whole business operation on just social media and don’t have a different space like a website or eShop away from your social media.

Branding has to do with how you ‘package’ and present your brand. On a platform like Instagram where everything is flashy to attract attention, you cannot afford to have low quality pictures, boring content or any other inconsistency else you will attract the wrong set of customers or none at all. This translates to ‘bad market’ for you.

Up your social media game by creating better, engaging content for your audience in order to attract the right leads that will eventually become customers.

Also, do not depend on just social media to sell your products:

  • Invest in advertising
  • Make sure your products are up to standard in order to trigger referrals
  • Have good customer service that will make your customers always return for some more just like Oliver Twist!

If you do not do these things, social media will just become another photo gallery for your products and make you have even worse sales. How? Someone who got referred to you can get discouraged to buy just because of how rough or off your social media page looks.

The solution is to properly use social media so it doesn’t harm your business instead of making it flourish. You can always hire a social media handler if you do not want to bother learning the skills.

I offer a social media management package that will help you properly manage your social media to the maximum and guarantee better sales and profits for your business.

Hit the Contact option and let’s get talking! 

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