Advantage of an online shop over physical shop

Advantage of an online shop over physical shop

Having a physical shops is ideal if you want to start a business. Why? It gives people a fixed location to find you if they need your products or services and want to patronize you. 

In my previous article, I’d told you the model which your small online business needs to run before you can make 10x of your current profit. Well, the amazing thing about physical shops is that they do not even run close to half of this model and yet they make much more profits and still attract customers. At most, all you get is a receipt – and that is if you buy products worth a lot of money.  

For example, the aboki in your street sells essential provisions like bread, beverages, sweets and others. More than half of his customers – in fact, up to 70% – are repeat customers. That is, people who have bought something from him before, sometime in the past. This is mostly because they are people that are close by and are in that same physical location as the aboki. 

But we are in digital times, and even people that have physical shops have joined the digital trend by opening online stores where people can buy their products and even have the option to pick it up from their physical shop. This way, they have both physical customers and walk-in customers, thereby making more sales than normal. 

The digital space is wide and the only way you can leverage and beat your competition is by how smoothly and effectively you run and are noticed digitally (how well you communicate in the digital space)


This is why how well everything looks and appears is very important. The essence of your logo to your message, your words – everything is important. 

Since you are not in a physical shop where your customers can see you and easily establish trust, you need to actively pass across that message through your system so that your customers don’t doubt you. A good system that is well organized speaks of good planning and detail so that your customers at once know that if you put such work into your process & business, then you must know your onions. 

Also, when in a physical shop, it is easier to identify your customers, yes? Because you will have seen them more than once or even multiple times. So when a repeat customer comes in, you can easily recognize that ah, this one has patronized me before and you act accordingly. 

In case you do not know, let me tell you now – most customers love this feeling. If you’re a customer and have spent your money in a particular store, won’t you be pleased if you go back to that store and they remember you? Won’t you like the shop owner to immediately recall your face and exclaim, “My favourite customer! Welcome o!” I’m sure as a customer It will make you happy and you might even spend more than the required amount buying products just because of that recognition.

You can easily do this too, by simply managing your customers orders with their email since you cannot physically see them.

These are details like their names, emails and phone numbers so that when next they patronize you, your system recognizes them and you can quickly spring to action and give them a personalized experience accordingly. 

If you don’t do this, you will lose a lot of customers and potential transactions. I know it is not easy to remember everybody that patronizes you which is why you should use Aunty Ronke’s eShop that will manage all this process for you easily and quickly. 

This is what your customers’ email does for you in a digital space, it helps you to recognize customers that you cannot see with their virtual identity which is their email.

You might argue that not everyone has an email but that is just a myth and we have cleared that up in this article. As long as you have a smartphone and are connected to the internet, then you have an email, even if you don’t use it. 

The fact that you can sit down at home and be receiving orders is a big advantage that the digital world will always have over physical shops. Take advantage and secure your bag!

Get an eShop and begin to make more sales today. Click here to get started. 

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