Your product pictures are as important as the product itself! – If not more.

Your product pictures are as important as the product itself! – If not more.

You have probably heard the saying that “A picture is worth more than a thousand words” – it couldn’t be truer than in this situation! 

The pictures of your product are basically the best way of communicating with your customers how valuable your product is without saying a word. This is why I am always very surprised when I see vendors online that will write 5 paragraphs of what their product can do but if you see the picture ehn? It’s just a “miss” !

What am I trying to say? 

Yes, it is true that a customer who wants to patronize you will patronize you (maybe that is what you’re even thinking right now!) – but do you know that as a business owner, it is your duty to make sure that your customers don’t have any reason not to like your product?


One of such ways in this digital age is presentation; how is your product presented to a customer that only has a chance to see it on a phone screen or computer screen?

Please understand this – in the conventional market, your potential buyer has a chance to feel, weigh and size up a product for quality, taste, texture, fragrance and lots more before making a purchase, but when it comes to online (digital) , the images they see and what they read about your product is all you have to sell your “market” O!

The presentation of your product is usually the first and only impression customers have to see before they decide to make a purchase from you, so why not take that time to make that presentation count? 

How? I hear you ask; it’s simply good photography, if this is the only chance you have to present your product to an audience why not do it well? It will be an investment towards making more sales in your business.

Even if your product can raise the dead, if the first presentation (pictures) is not appealing then NOBODY will buy it! Do you know why? It is the same reason why you cannot eat shit even if it smells like strawberries. It doesn’t look GOOD or PRESENTABLE to the eye.


As human beings, we let our eyes convince us first before our mind even enters the equation. That is why you will be interested in an attractive person without knowing whether they have a character flaw or any other red flags that could make you lose interest. 

That photograph you share on social media or post on Jumia is just like the face of that product.

In this digital space, it’s usually the only thing your customers see first as they cannot physically feel the products.This means that the decision of whether to buy or not can rest solely on how presentable the products look. Your customers subconsciously use this to judge how serious your business is at face value.

This is why we’ve put together the Product Shot tool that gets you professional photo shots of your product.

For example look at these 2 products below  (A/B) which would you choose ?

Before After

We understand doing all this work can be challenging especially for “Solopreneurs” that’s why we have created “FotoP” just for you.

FotoP will provide you a professional photoshoot of your product as opposed to Hiring a product photographer which can be expensive for small business owners.

How it works is very simple!

  1. Attach or upload a copy of your product; 
    • Include a copy of your product label if you have one.
  2. Leave your name and email. 

You will receive the new product shot in less than 24 hours! Easy-peasy.  

It works like magic! – our combination of AI tools and photographers will come up with a  photographs and digital imagery to create a proper representation of your product that you can use to promote your product better online on ecommerce platforms, websites and social media. 

With FotoP, you get pictures of your products presented in a professional way that attracts better customers to patronize you! Call it love at first sight but that is what you get!

Click this link to try it out now and get premium quality images of your products!  

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Meet Aunty Ronke


I recently started my own small ankara business and it has been one tough ride!
So I thought, why don't I share my experience to make your ride smoother? Enjoy the ride!


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